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Taylor’s Scientific Management

At the time of Industrial Revolution the factory owners or manager don’t know how to measure performance of the individual. But F.W. Taylor emerged as the “Father of Scientific Management”. Scientific management means getting work done in the best and the cheapest way. He broke up human activity into small parts and find out how it could be done effectively. By applying scientific management of production in “The Bethlehem Steel Company” Taylor increased productivity by three fourth percent. 

Principles of Scientific Management

1) Science, not Rule of Thumb

Rule of thumb was the technique of pre-scientific management era. Taylor found out that there were no scientific standards to measure performance. No one knew exactly how much work a worker should do in one hour or in one day. The work was fixed assuming rule of thumb or the amount of work done by an average worker. F.W. Taylor introduced Time and Motion Studies to fix performance standards for time, cost, and quality of work, which lead to uniformity of work. 

2) Harmony, Not Discord

According to the Taylor if manager asked there worker to “get work done” it should not be difficult for them to appreciate their performance. He emphasized that there should be complete harmony between the management and workers. Management should share the gain of the company with the workers and at the same time worker should work hard and willing to embrace for the good of the company. 

3) Co-operation not Individualism

Scientific management requires that parts of industrial body co-operate with each other, scientific management is based on mutual confidence, co-operation and goodwill. Management should not close its ears to any constructive suggestion made by employee. They should reward their suggestion which result in substantial reduction in costs. Every employee of the company should be the part of management and if any important decision is taken worker should be taken into consideration. According to the Taylor there should be almost equal division of work and responsibility between worker and management.

4) The Development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity

In order to maximize production all possible efforts are made to increase the efficiency of workers. Workers are selected according to the nature of work. There work should suit them physically, mentally and on intellectual capability. To increase efficiency they should be given the required training which result in great efficiency and prosperity for both employee and organization.

Credits:-NCERT Delhi,


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